Sunday 6 September 2009

Michael Jackson Leaves Us With Tribute to Motown

By Patrick A Daniels

Michael Jackson, has become even more iconic, then before, after his death. His songs are getting increasing popular, and he left many people wanting more. Although Michael Jackson is no longer with us, he has left us with a legacy album, to last the ages. It is a compilation of songs from when he was under the Motown label, and since he switch record albums during his teenage years, you can be prepared to hear his original hits from the earlier years of Michael.

This album will be released to the public on July 27,2009, as a tribute to Michael Jackson and his outstanding career. The album is titles "Michael Jackson Motown 50 Mixes.

Now don't be confused by the title as this is a 50 year celebration of his music and not a 50 track album. The original songs as performed by Michael back then are part of this new release album include all time favorites like Ben, Ill Be There, and ABC but with a new twist. These are a combination of mixes some stripped and some minus for a whole new flare to the sound of these great classic tunes.

And with songs like With a Childs Heart and Never Can Say Goodbye it is a touching tribute to this music legends untimely demise. Berry Gordy, founder of Motown records, described the loss in these words I am shocked beyond words. Its like a dream - a bad dream. This cannot be! How can Michael Jackson not be here? He had nothing but wonderful things to say about the icon and even told reporters that Jackson was like a son to him.

Obviously, the death of Michael Jackson and the mysteriousness not only about his death but his life itself is indeed a tragedy. It is clear that although the King of Pop is gone forever that his music will have everlasting life. It is a shame he couldn't be alive to see how popular he is in death. A true example of how death creates a legend.

Michael Jackson has left the world with one final album, Michael Jackson Motown 50. It is a collection of hits from the last 50 years under the Motown label. To order your copy of Michael Jackson Motown 50 Mixes look anywhere cds are sold.

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Why Have People Become Interested in Online Education?

By Kathleen Chester

People are increasingly showing their interest in online education. There are a large number of reasons behind this. If you are really interested in learning more while staying back at home, then the online universities are the best options. This is because for people with less amount of time the online universities are the best options. They can continue with their work while staying back at home and getting the study materials. They are grown enough to do their studies in time so that passing is not really a big problem.

Another very important function of the online school is the fact that you need not have to go to the spot where the classes are held. Classes will be held online. Thus you can find a wide number of opportunities to do some other work. Moreover, some people have problem in commuting. If you are one of them, then online university is the best option for you. It will give you the opportunity to pursue education on one hand and on the other make you extremely satisfied with the quality education that it will offer.

What are the things that are to be kept in mind while selecting an online university?

Get information about the online school from Internet: There are many things which you should keep in mind. The first and the foremost thing is to make sure that the university in which you are getting admitted has a good reputation. Since there are many reputed institutes, you have quite a good number to choose from. You can learn about the online school if you like from the co students and from the Internet which is the best option. By a look at the site you will get a fair idea about the school and the reputation that it has gained in the years.

Make sure that enough study material is supplied: Make sure that the study materials provided by them are adequate and that you don't need to buy a large number of other texts books in order to pass the examination. For getting this information, you have to ask the previous years pass outs. They will be able to help you in this regard from their own experiences. There are certain institutions which forces the candidate to buy books and notes from outside. This may be expensive at times and since you are paying for the online university it is the duty of the university to supply you as much material as is feasible. For this reasons, make sure that you get adequate materials from your online university.

Top online universities - Top education guide is a comprehensive directory of colleges, universities, career schools, trade schools, vocational training and online degree programs. Find a degree, and rewarding career best suited for advancing your professional goals.

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How To Make Him Fall In Love With You (Little-Known Tricks)

By Tristan Lovejoy

It's the oldest story in the world: One person likes somebody but the feeling isn't mutual. Here are little-known methods to getting him to fall in love with you.

First, it's important to understand that you have two sets of traits: Superficial (like what you where, where you like to eat, what you do in your spare time) versus your core values, whatever they may be: (Being kind to children and animals, being healthy, etc, whatever they are).

When I talk about changing yourself, I'm only talking about superficial things, it's very important that you NOT try to change the core beliefs of who you are no matter how much you like a guy, because it won't ultimately make you happy, and it will end badly.

1) Don't try impress him, BE impressive. Rent the move "Groundhog's Day", with Bill Murray. He spends the first 1/2 of the movie trying to pick up a woman, and at the end he improves himself and the woman is drawn TO him.

Women have a tendency to "hollow themselves out" to try to make room for a guy, and it's the wrong way to go about it. Instead, fill yourself up with what makes you happy, and you'll have more room for him than you'd ever have had otherwise.

2) Take pride in your appearance. That doesn't mean engaging in unhealthy behaviours for a quick fix, but eat healthier, get some exercise (which will also make you feel better as well as look better), and dress nicely in ways that flatter yourself.

3) Don't act needy. Your first inclination is to throw yourself at someone who you've got a crush on or who has just broken up with you, but neediness is not an attractive quality and it pushes people away. When you look happy without him is exactly the time he wants to be with you, because he wants to share in your happiness.

Don't ever betray the core of who you are, because of a guy isn't attracted to that, he really isn't the guy for you, no matter how much you're physically attracted to him.

Read on to learn the secret to understanding guys and how to use it to your advantage (and make him fall in love with you)

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Thursday 27 August 2009

How To Stop Mortgage Arrears And House Repossession Orders

By Marge Dubois

House repossessions caused through mortgage arrears have
hit an 8 year high according to the Council of Mortgage
Lenders UK. Around 14,000 homes have been repossessed
in the last 6 months in England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland - up 30% on this time last year.

Borrowers most affected, are people who fall under the 'sub-
prime' market (adverse credit files due to various conditions
in their past, including CCJ's -county court judgments, IVA's
and other bad credit conditions).

Other possible repossession candidates are the 1.8 million
people coming to the end of their fixed rate terms in a market
where we have seen 5 increases in the base rate over the
past 12 months.

Many borrowers have other loans to repay, cars to run and
families to bring up so costs can soon mount, leaving them
completely over extended so 'baton down the hatches' is an
understatement with the probability of yet another interest
increase within the next couple of months.

If you are facing repossession and you want to know what
happens next take the following steps:

1. Talk to your Bank or Building Society as early as
possible to explore your options. Delaying this and allowing
mortgage arrears to mount up makes it difficult for the lenders
to offer a counselling ear and take a lenient stance. An
eviction could leave you homeless so act now!

2. Reduce your outgoings, by economising when
shopping and cutting all luxury subscriptions. Be aware of
what you are spending.

3. Increase your income. This may be possible by
working extra hours, taking on lodgers or applying for extra

4. If there is no way of paying the arrears and the
continuous monthly payments then the other option is to start
thinking: "I need to sell my house fast".Remember that getting
mortgages after a repossession will be very difficult so if the
clock is ticking then registering with an estate agent is not a
viable option as this will take time. Selling through an auction
is fast but isn't guaranteed so the quickest way to sell your
house is go to a private investor or property company who will
buy your home within weeks. If you want to stay in your home
you should make sure they offer you a rent back option
allowing you to rent your home from them after the sale has
completed. If you think your circumstances may change in the
future you should go to a specialist company who can also
offer you a buy back option allowing you to buy back your
home when in a better financial position. A good specialist
company offering advice and services on all of the above is

This hike in repossessions has a nightmare affect on
homeowners who lose their properties and is generally the
result of people innocently trying to get a foot on the property
ladder without realising the consequences of future interest
rate increases or changes in circumstances.

If you have mortgage arrears, are facing repossession or
have a court hearing don't waste time and act now, before it is
too late.

Marge Dubois runs you through the ins and outs of stopping your mortgage arrears and preventing your house from being repossessed. For further info click here -

Article Source:

Saturday 22 August 2009

Expert Tips For Great Dating Ideas

By Matt D Fuller

First date ideas

1. The most important part of a first date is getting to know each other. Plan your date in a way so the environment allows for easy conversation. Don't arrange your first date where there is a noisy atmosphere such as a night club, pub or concert.

2. Arrange to meet somewhere where you are the focus. If your first date is focused on an event where there are distractions, neither of you will get the chance to assess each others true personality. Give yourself the best chance to show off your charm and wisdom.

3. When you are dating someone for the first time, make sure its during the day. A non pressured environment like a quiet park or the beach will work just fine.

Moving onto a second date.

4. So, your first date was fabulous and your already planning your next date. Now is the time to introduce some intimacy and a sexier atmosphere. The local wine bar and dinner will give any potential romance the chance to unfold.

5. Make sure when your dating someone for the second time its done at night. A romantic evening opens the door to intimacy, flirting, and all going well, a kiss at the end of the night.

Perfect second date: Friday night after a long week at work will ensure you both look forward to each others company after hitting it off on your first date. Start to open up to each other with cocktails and conversation on the terrace of bar or restaurant over looking the city skyline or beach. Perhaps move on to a Jazz bar, or go dancing at a busy club then move off the dance floor and get cozy in a quiet corner of the club.

If you like this person enough to be seen together as a couple, take them somewhere that's well thought out and informal. Find out what they love to do and treat them to a surprise. Send her flowers at work, offer to cook him his favourite meal, at his house.

Dating someone and discovering there is real chemistry is one of the best feelings anyone can experience. Whilst the singles scene is great fun for a while, nothing beats becoming part of a new and exciting romantic relationship.

If you are stuck for ideas on where to meet other great singles and have not tried online dating, you are truly missing out on what is now the most popular means of matchmaking in the world. Everyday, thousands of singles are connecting through online dating sites. Avoid bad first dates and get to know someone through online dating before meeting in person and remove all the guess work.

All the latest in singles online dating news and articles []Online dating singles chat rooms All about having fun online and meeting new people. []Free online dating sites Australia

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Diet Patch Reviews

By Alison Cole

Many people associate slimness with beauty, health and youth. Slimmer people tend to be more healthy and confident than those who are overweight. In a bid to lose weight, thousands of people around the world fall sick or even die because they consume fraudulent diet products. The latest fad in the diet supplements market is diet patches. Some of these products are genuine, while many others are not. It is important to read reviews on a product before buying it. People are often misled or influenced by impressive marketing strategies and buy diet supplements without reading medical reviews on these products.

Diet patch reviews are of great importance in enlightening people about the different brands available, what they contain and how safe they are. These reviews are available on the Internet, magazines or newspapers. They provide information on the various companies that make or promote diet patch products. The focus is primarily on the ingredients used and their effects on the human body. They also rank different companies based on an online research, feedback from industry professionals and consumer polls. The reviews are based on tests conducted on the most popular products that consumers use. Subsequently, a ranking of the 10 best companies is done, but not with an intent to promote or market the products. People are informed about the credibility of various companies and how they meet the demands of consumers.

Some previews provide an outline of the benefits and drawbacks of diet patches as compared to diet pills. For instance, the ingredients of a diet patch are delivered at even, regular intervals throughout the day. This contrasts with diet pills that are consumed several times throughout the day. It tends to be more convenient to apply one patch a day or every couple of days, instead of constantly swallowing pills.

Diet patch reviews are designed with simplicity in mind. The purpose is not to discourage people from buying a particular brand. They provide the customers a medium that assists them in making an educated decision about diet patches. []Diet Patches provides detailed information on Diet Patches, Transdermal Diet Patches, Wholesale Diet Patches, Dangers Of Diet Patches and more. Diet Patches is affiliated with []Prescription Diet Pills.

Article Source:

Monday 17 August 2009

Multiple Streams of Income is What is Needed to Survive This Economy

By Howard G Platt

It is a harsh reality, but the job market today is about as bad as it could be. Even those with decent paying positions just do not have the same type of security they may have had just ten years ago.

There is a need now more than ever for individuals to have multiple streams of income. Keeping all your eggs in one basket is just too risky of a game these days. If you are dependent on others for your financial security you should definitely be looking into other options.

Due to the state of our economy many people are looking into starting their own business, at least on a part-time basis. This approach has many advantages, not least of which is a financial cushion (your salary) during the time in which you build your business. However, just trying to build a business of your own will not take away the dangers of the economy dictating your future.

The real answer lies in multiple streams of income. When you set yourself up in this type of position you are not totally dependent on any one income source for your financial security. You have to ask yourself if you are sick and tired of worrying about the future of your job position. Are you worried about daily cash flow at night? Does your financial future keep you up feeling paralyzed all night?

When you have multiple streams of income you are literally relieving yourself of all that stress. Achieving financial freedom is not as difficult as you may believe. Honestly, how much is financial freedom and lifestyle worth to you? Priceless I hope, the security of multiple streams of income is a tremendous feeling.

To survive the financial crisis the country is in today, you have to start taking action on your own. The first step to making anything happen is to write it down. Write your financial goals down now, this can have a major influence on your results, transform your life forever, and send you charging towards unlimited income potential.

Have you ever enjoyed paying your taxes? If you were making large sums of money from multiple streams of income each year, I would imagine that you might not mind so much paying your share of taxes.

Right now, most families are tied down with a 30 year mortgage, possibly two car payments, rising costs all around them and the thought of putting their kids through college is just devastating. Well, I can say with confidence, creating multiple streams of income is one of the most lucrative methods of getting yourself out of debt, and obtaining financial freedom. So, if you are looking for some answers to these daunting financial questions and pressures that just have you strapped to the wall. Stop thinking in terms of one and start thinking in terms of multiples.

Many people doubt the possibility of setting up multiple streams of income as a result of all the dubious "get rich quick" scams that litter their e-mail in-boxes. If you could get rich working from home within a month without any real work, wouldn't everybody be a billionaire by now? Setting up multiple streams of income will take some work in the initial start-up stages, but the rewards outweighs the time spent 100 times over. When your desires are strong enough you will succeed.

A job (just over broke) these days is just not going to deliver that financial freedom that we all dream of having some day. Given the pace and uncertainty of today's world, it has never made more sense to create multiple streams of income to secure your future.

First off, don't ever underestimate yourself or your possibilities. When and if you really believe in yourself, you can achieve any goal you set for yourself. You really need to realize the concept of having a job, you are only receiving linear income. I call this limited income because you are limited to the same amount week in and week out.

The concept of multiple streams of income opens doors for you that never existed before. You must break out of the mold and instead of wrapping your mind and dreams around one paycheck for the rest of your life consider the possibilities of creating multiple streams of income. As a financial advisor for over 20 years I have personally witnessed hundreds of families break themselves free from the bonds of being a one of two income family. Just as investment advisers warn their clients not to put all of their eggs in one basket, I am suggesting to you to look into other options that can relieve the stress of losing your only source of income.

If the following article struck a chord with you then you should check out a new book that I have written based on my 20 or so years in the financial industry. Avenues of Income can be found at I also have another book about what I consider to be one of the best business opportunities on the Internet. Membership Sites they are amazing easy to get started you should have a look

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Dating a Russian Girl - What Really is So Special About Them?

By Austin Odeon

Why do many single men all over the world prefer Russian girls to others? That's the crucial question. Do they make the best house wives? I know you would like these questions answered. So what really is special about Russian girls? As you read this article, I will attempt to address some facts and fictions about Russian girls.
According to statistics the latest census figures show that Russia has an estimated 10 million more women then men, in other words women out number men by 10 million. Furthermore, the number of single women in their 20s and 30s exceeds the number of men significantly. This mean that if ever there was a divorce in a marriage, any woman with or without children has little or no chance of getting married again in Russia, this is according to sociologists. To put in bluntly, there are not enough men in Russia to marry the teeming number of spinsters available: and what's more mortality rate of the working males is particularly high. With these alarming statistics in mind, check your dating opportunities and you will be surprised by the quality of Russian girls looking for men to marry.

One main reason why Russian girls are preferred is that they are naturally beautiful. Yes, even though they say that "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" anybody who know how to appraise beauty will agree with me that an average Russian girl is effortlessly charming, mostly with natural blond hair. If you go online to Russian dating sites, you'll be surprised at the array of beauty searching for true lovers.

Having said that, beauty alone is not enough to judge the quality of a woman, so let's see some other qualities of an average Russian girl. To a Russian girl, family is a high priority. At the age of 25 the average Russian girl has settled down to a family life. It is considered unusual that a girl is still unmarried at the age of 30. One thing you have you should know about Russian girls is that they are quite educated, as a matter of fact most Russian girls are educated and smart. You will be amusingly surprised at the educational level of Russian girls that are looking for men abroad. A university or college degree is a common thing, however, they'd rather have a stable family.They believe it's the duty of the wife to take care of her homes, tirelessly committed to their husbands and kids. The average Russian girl is exceptionally feminine, healthy, sexy, passionately sensual and thankful. Love-making is not a big deal for her: it's the pleasure and the beauty of mutual satisfaction. The truth is that the Russian girl while making love is really making love ... You will not regret.

It is noteworthy to mention that Russian girls are also very spiritual, they love their orthodox christian religion, however, the tradition of reading books, attending concerts, museums is still alive in Russia. Another pleasant quality about the average Russian girl is that they are extremely teachable, within the shortest time they are able to begin speaking a new language and adapt themselves easily to new environments and cultures. They are also very brave. It is not easy for anyone to leave their country of birth, relatives, friends, the job, and the native language and move to a different environments.

If you are seeking for a Russian girl online focus on the lady of your choice, don't be afraid to ask and answer questions, let her know that you are a sincere person and can be trusted. Finally, understand that in this article the term Russian girls includes girls from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, they all have very much in common. There are exceptions though so you be very careful in your choice. Good luck!
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3 Common Mistakes Made With Natural Teeth Whitening

By R J Licata

Natural teeth whitening methods are usually the least expensive and simplest ways of brightening your smile, but mistakes can also be made very easily. This article will discuss three of the most common mistakes and hopefully help you avoid them.

1. Using lemon or orange peels to whiten

This technique is horrible for your teeth and can cause permanent damage if there's prolonged use. The citric acid in those fruits causes your teeth enamel to wear away. Enamel is the shiny protective coating around your teeth. Without it they are susceptible to cavities and other forms of decay.

When the stained enamel is removed, your teeth will get whiter, but the cost is not worth it. Unfortunately, this negative aspect is not widely known. Instead, people see the teeth get whiter and automatically think it works. This leads to some bad information, which in turn causes others to try this harmful technique.

2. Expecting extreme results too quickly

Natural teeth whitening is a slow process. There is no magic button or fool-proof remedy when you're whitening naturally. Using a safe method that has been proven to work, such as brushing with peroxide, will show results over time, but expecting to get five shades whiter in two weeks is pushing it.

If you begin using natural teeth whitening techniques without expecting much, you'll be pleasantly surprised when you notice them getting brighter a few months down the road. Of course, if you use natural techniques in combination with other forms of whitening you'll notice quicker results.

3. Thinking that whitening replaces brushing and flossing

The best way to get white teeth is to keep them clean by practicing good hygiene. It's easy for people to think that having white teeth means they have healthy teeth but that's not always the case. It's important to practice good oral hygiene at all times, because not doing so is what allows staining in the first place.

In a perfect world, brushing and flossing alone would be enough to keep teeth sparkling white and no other whitening methods would be necessary. Unfortunately many factors cause staining, despite good brushing habits. Because of this whitening is sometimes necessary to put you over the edge, but keep in mind that without continuing to keep them clean afterward, the stains and discoloration will quickly return.


There are many ways to naturally whiten teeth without causing harm to them. It's important that when you try these techniques you're well informed because you won't have a dentist looking on and telling you what's working or what's healthy. Remember, just because they're called natural teeth whitening techniques doesn't necessarily mean they're good for you.

For more helpful information on []natural teeth whitening and how it can help you get your best teeth, be sure to visit []Best Teeth Whitening Options.

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Adults Returning to Education: A Guide

By Jason Gluckman

Adult education gives high quality education for adults to improve their standard in the society, and it can be continued at any stage of their life. It helps people graduate with the help of nation's various adult education centers and programs. It ensures people to compete in a better way in this competitive society.

There are lots of reasons for adults to return to education after some time. Adult education can help people who wish to continue their education, people who look for a career change, or people who just wish to enhance their knowledge. Adults returning to education programs offer you plenty of choices and features to study. Many new programs and various educational departments guide you with providing high quality education in an interactive manner. It offers basic knowledge regarding computer literacy, numerical ability, and correctional education. Moreover, it allows people in developing different employment opportunities. This can be done by returning to education with various adult education programs which are available in different states.

Many educational providers invite adults to return to education after a formal break. Educational centers like Adults Who Are Returning to Education (AWARE), Center for Adults Returning to Education (CARE) are few amongst the adult education continuing centers that are doing a fine job. Adults who return to education would have had different backgrounds that led to their interruption from continuing education. Instructors in these educational centers are well trained to improve their education level according to their ability. Careful adjustments are given for older students during the learning process. There are various adult education centers and programs in which adults can continue their interrupted education.

There are many foundations throughout the nation that help adults return to education with some major features. They offer many scholarships for the adults who return to education. Adult student technical college scholarships, minority/female technical scholarships, and UW-Marinette scholarships are few of the scholarships for adults who return to education in few of the states. One can continue his/her interrupted education at any stage through these educational centers for adults and many other foundations. []Adult Education provides detailed information on Adult Education, Adult Education Schools, Adult Continuing Education, Adult Education Online and more. Adult Education is affiliated with []Life Centered Career Education.

Article Source:

Friday 7 August 2009

Dating Black Singles - Searching For Your Dream Date

By Ivan Kelly The huge interest in dating black singles is influenced by the large numbers of unmarried women in the African American community. Single black women make up 60% of all unmarried wommen and by the age of 30 only 45% of black women have married, compared to 80% of white women. This has encouraged not only specialized dating services for black singles but also interracial dating sites. For instance there are at least three million people in the United States who are in interracial marriages. Many of these sites clearly indicate that they provide non-racial introductions for black and white men and women. The term BWS in personals advertising refers to black and white singles. However, when single black men and women are looking for meaningful connections with other black singles through online dating sites they'll find an abundance of services including detailed black personals and photo gallery, live chat, dating message boards and online flirting (using the "smile" feature). Usually these sites will also offer instant messenger services and chat rooms designed exclusively for African American/ black singles who want to make contact. The search facilities with black dating services are usually very good. It only takes a minute to fill in the profile and whether you're into heavy metal, golden oldies, golf, biking, traveling or birdwatching, the options available make it much easier to find that special someone - international as well as local. Black singles can mingle to their heart's content at professionally run online dating sites that aim to offer comfortable, online connections to thousands of black singles throughout the world. The black personals' community provides a source for creating relationships ranging from companionship to friendship, romance to marriage. In many cases, a free trial of the service is available. There are also opportunities for young, black professionals to meet other attractive, successful singles. Although ethnicity and religion play a big part in defining who we are, a person's profession is also very important in shaping our identities. Many young professionals love to chat with others with a similar background of achievement, whether it be law, journalism, finance, engineering, acting, and the like. When you meet someone with a similar level of professional accomplishment, you never run out of stuff to talk about. It also helps first dates to be a lot more pleasurable when the two of you share a lot in common. This doesn't necessarily mean making contacts only in the same profession, such as lawyers meeting other lawyers. Blacks dating other singles can choose to meet and date members from fields other than their own. A lawyer may enjoy the company of an architect, or an artist may be fascinated by a healthcare professional. Online dating sites for black singles allow you to search for members in a variety of ways. If you want to search for singles by profession, you can. If you want to meet people of a specific ethnic group, or a few different ethnic groups, you can. Personal interests that are shared can be located at the push of a button. With the modern search applications used at black online dating services, it is now easy to find your dream date. For more important online dating information and Dating Black singles tips visit where you will find dating tips, advice, resources and lots of useful material about improving your online dating experience. Article Source: