Monday 17 August 2009

3 Common Mistakes Made With Natural Teeth Whitening

By R J Licata

Natural teeth whitening methods are usually the least expensive and simplest ways of brightening your smile, but mistakes can also be made very easily. This article will discuss three of the most common mistakes and hopefully help you avoid them.

1. Using lemon or orange peels to whiten

This technique is horrible for your teeth and can cause permanent damage if there's prolonged use. The citric acid in those fruits causes your teeth enamel to wear away. Enamel is the shiny protective coating around your teeth. Without it they are susceptible to cavities and other forms of decay.

When the stained enamel is removed, your teeth will get whiter, but the cost is not worth it. Unfortunately, this negative aspect is not widely known. Instead, people see the teeth get whiter and automatically think it works. This leads to some bad information, which in turn causes others to try this harmful technique.

2. Expecting extreme results too quickly

Natural teeth whitening is a slow process. There is no magic button or fool-proof remedy when you're whitening naturally. Using a safe method that has been proven to work, such as brushing with peroxide, will show results over time, but expecting to get five shades whiter in two weeks is pushing it.

If you begin using natural teeth whitening techniques without expecting much, you'll be pleasantly surprised when you notice them getting brighter a few months down the road. Of course, if you use natural techniques in combination with other forms of whitening you'll notice quicker results.

3. Thinking that whitening replaces brushing and flossing

The best way to get white teeth is to keep them clean by practicing good hygiene. It's easy for people to think that having white teeth means they have healthy teeth but that's not always the case. It's important to practice good oral hygiene at all times, because not doing so is what allows staining in the first place.

In a perfect world, brushing and flossing alone would be enough to keep teeth sparkling white and no other whitening methods would be necessary. Unfortunately many factors cause staining, despite good brushing habits. Because of this whitening is sometimes necessary to put you over the edge, but keep in mind that without continuing to keep them clean afterward, the stains and discoloration will quickly return.


There are many ways to naturally whiten teeth without causing harm to them. It's important that when you try these techniques you're well informed because you won't have a dentist looking on and telling you what's working or what's healthy. Remember, just because they're called natural teeth whitening techniques doesn't necessarily mean they're good for you.

For more helpful information on []natural teeth whitening and how it can help you get your best teeth, be sure to visit []Best Teeth Whitening Options.

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