Sunday 6 September 2009

How To Make Him Fall In Love With You (Little-Known Tricks)

By Tristan Lovejoy

It's the oldest story in the world: One person likes somebody but the feeling isn't mutual. Here are little-known methods to getting him to fall in love with you.

First, it's important to understand that you have two sets of traits: Superficial (like what you where, where you like to eat, what you do in your spare time) versus your core values, whatever they may be: (Being kind to children and animals, being healthy, etc, whatever they are).

When I talk about changing yourself, I'm only talking about superficial things, it's very important that you NOT try to change the core beliefs of who you are no matter how much you like a guy, because it won't ultimately make you happy, and it will end badly.

1) Don't try impress him, BE impressive. Rent the move "Groundhog's Day", with Bill Murray. He spends the first 1/2 of the movie trying to pick up a woman, and at the end he improves himself and the woman is drawn TO him.

Women have a tendency to "hollow themselves out" to try to make room for a guy, and it's the wrong way to go about it. Instead, fill yourself up with what makes you happy, and you'll have more room for him than you'd ever have had otherwise.

2) Take pride in your appearance. That doesn't mean engaging in unhealthy behaviours for a quick fix, but eat healthier, get some exercise (which will also make you feel better as well as look better), and dress nicely in ways that flatter yourself.

3) Don't act needy. Your first inclination is to throw yourself at someone who you've got a crush on or who has just broken up with you, but neediness is not an attractive quality and it pushes people away. When you look happy without him is exactly the time he wants to be with you, because he wants to share in your happiness.

Don't ever betray the core of who you are, because of a guy isn't attracted to that, he really isn't the guy for you, no matter how much you're physically attracted to him.

Read on to learn the secret to understanding guys and how to use it to your advantage (and make him fall in love with you)

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